Hello Beautiful Soul!
Welcome to the WLPN! Below you can submit a prayer request and sign up to pray for others! Your prayer requests will be emailed out to the entire prayer network twice a month so we can all pray for you.
Did you know scientific studies proved that when you pray for another human being there is a positive shift in their energy field (even if that person has no idea you’re praying for them)?*
Here at the WLPN we believe miracles can occur no matter the circumstances. The angels say that when we pray:
- Our collective prayers activate a miracle network;
- The vibration of God, Universe, Source is felt more palpably here on Earth;
- We raise the vibration of the planet;
- We help humanity heal;
- We heal ourselves;
- And we open ourselves to infinite divine abundance and possibilities!
The angels are clear: The more you pray, the more God’s energy is felt on Earth. So your angels encourage you to pray MORE! Do not just ask for divine guidance with the big stuff – pray about everything small, medium and large in order to increase God’s felt presence here on Earth!
One more thing! Prayer + Action = Moving Mountains. After you pray, God may ask you to also take kind, loving action! This is a reminder to pray AND take loving action in your life where you feel called to!
If you feel called, please share this website with your friends and check out our podcast Angels and Awakening for new episodes twice a week!
Peace and bliss to you!

Submit a
Prayer Request
You can pray for anyone or anything – yourself, the world, a community member, a loved one, a pet, etc! No prayer request is too big or too small for God, Universe, Source! You can also submit as many prayer requests as you’d like. We will continue to pray for you! Also, please share your stories of miracles, as we’d love to feature them on the podcast!
Submit A Prayer Request HerePray for Others:
Sign Up Below
As a WLPN prayer warrior, you’ll receive emails twice a month with the prayer requests of others. There is no right or wrong way to pray. You can pray for each of the requests individually or all at once for everyone who’s submitted a prayer request. THANK YOU for praying and being part of the WLPN community!
Pray for Others Here

Angels and Awakening Podcast
Podcasts are free! Listen on your phone! Join Julie Jancius for new episodes every Monday and Thursday. Every Monday, we share an interview with a new spiritual leader. Each Thursday, we share an angel story to bring you hope and inspiration! Search Angels and Awakening anywhere podcasts can be found to listen to the show! Or listen on YouTube!

Join Our Free Facebook Group
Do you find yourself wishing you had more spiritual friends to talk to? We created a free place for you to connect with thousands of like-minded spiritual souls! It's a place where you can talk about your angel stories and the divine signs you've received. Join our FREE Facebook group, the Angels and Awakening Podcast Tribe, to connect with souls just like you!

Learn How To Hear Your Angels
Want to learn how to talk to your angels and hear them more clearly? Julie's book will teach you how to make this connection for yourself! In it, you’ll learn about all of the angels on your Spirit Team and the signs they use to communicate with you! Julie's book (also titled Angels and Awakening) is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, and Audible.

Your Purchase Supports WLPN
When you make a purchase on www.theangelmedium.com a portion helps run the WLPN, podcast and our free programs which serve 40,000-50,000 people each week! Checkout all of our freebies and paid products including our Angel Membership to help you grow spiritually; Angel Reiki School to help you start a spiritual business; upcoming events; and 1:1 sessions!